

Emergency Aid

Every child has the right to protection in times of war and on the run. We support schools for refugee children, send aid material to disaster zones and provide reconstruction aid.

— Regine Sixt

New play equipment for Arche Kita

New kitchen for child care and training

Dormitories for elementary school students

Medical devices for the treatment of children

Charging station for children's hospital

Therapy beds for an inpatient hospice

Redesign of reading corners in Johanniter children's facilities

New exercise room for a residential group

Ausruhen, Lesen und Schreiben in new ausgestatteten Räumen für Kinder 

Barrier-free expansion of 26 schools for better equal opportunities

Modern Music Lab for All-Day School

Support for Baphumelele Orphanage

New nursing bed and child-friendly furniture

New equipment for a multifunctional room

Equipment for the games library in the Las Aguilas community center

Support for grieving children

Solar modules for rehabilitation center for children with disabilities

Renovierung eines Spielzimmers

Holiday camp in the fishing boat for children


Support of the Perinatal Center at RoMed Klinikum Rosenheim

Renovation of the SOS de Carros community center

Construction of a children's care center 

New resuscitation emergency vehicles for the German Heart Center Munich

New dining room for Casa Acreditar

Facilities of accommodation for Ukrainian children

Expansion of basement rooms into classrooms in Ukraine

Learning and play spaces for children in refugee shelters 

New facility for daycare center

Barrier-free access and renovation of the outdoor area of the Blue House

Playing without borders

New instruments for the music therapy room

Newly equipped music classroom

“Play with me!” – New offers at the Center for Child Development (ZKE) 

Successful support for Blessed Gérard’s Children’s Home

Equipping child-friendly rooms in refugee accommodation

Including gondola swing for barrier-free playground

Redesign of the "Allies for Childhood" premises

New play corner at the Robert-Debré Hospital

Five new primary school classrooms in India

Bobby cars for the Munich orphanage

Barrier-free winter fun

New inclusive playground

A new gymnasium for the Munich orphanage

Help from Latvia for Ukraine

Financed by SIA "Transporent"

Laptops and games for refugee center

New crib car for excursions

Therapeutic phone booth for children

Exercise-promoting new playground

New theater space for inclusive after-school care

Reconstruction of a playground

A New Primary School for Kinakoni

Equipment for childcare for the rapid response group

Support for school children in Nepal

New Snoezelen rooms for Ukrainian children in Poland

Financed by SIXT Franchisee Poland | Eurorent Sp. z.o.o.

Colourful water playground invites you to splash around

New classrooms for children in Karnataka

Support for Afghan schoolchildren

Komfortablere Betreuung mit neuen Pflegebetten

New inclusive playground for children of a pediatric center 

German learning materials and leisure games for Ukrainian children

New children's library in a family meeting house

New toys for play mobile for psychosocial emergency care

Christmas surprise for children

Safe house for refugee children in Bamenda

New child-friendly care beds for the Atemzeit intensive care home

New telework places for day-care centers

New garden furniture and renovations in the family competence center in Rostock

New playground for children in refugee accommodation

Excursion to the Hansa Park for youth welfare association

New facilities for bereavement support

Barrier-free playground for kindergarten

Help for children and families affected by Hurricane "Ian"

New childcare equipment in an emergency shelter

A colorful play world for the little ones: New play equipment for the MANNA Maria daycare center

New classrooms for children with autism

New mobile ultrasound device for outpatient palliative team

Instruments for the Mazaya music program

New playground equipment for childcare in an initial reception facility

Continued support for Ukrainian children

Building block sets for Ukrainian children

Furnishing and renovation of the children's home paradise

New play area for Ukrainian children

Support for animal therapy "Paw for Thought"

Toys for a reception center

New inclusive boulder room

For better care for children with disabilities

Equipping a premature baby ward with medical equipment

New day hospital for children's cancer ward

Heaters for refugee camps

Skibob training for children with disabilities

New playroom for mother and child home in Rome

Musical waterbed for Snoezel room

Renovation of a baby therapy centre in South Africa

New technical equipment for music therapy

New equipment for St John Eye Hospital

Help for victims of the flood disaster

Emergency aid for victims of the volcanic eruption on St. Vincent

Study and playroom for street children

New computers and equipment for children's home in Nepal

Holiday camp for children and young people to strengthen the community

Playroom for children with cancer

Extension for day clinic for pediatric oncology

New creative space for children

New garden and relaxation area at the Tal Chajim school

Improved cancer therapy thanks to new PCR device

Education as a way out of poverty

New technical equipment for the children's center

Strengthening social justice through modern school equipment

Support for trainees at St. Joseph's House of Hope in Mombasa

Warm school uniform for children in Nepal

Joining forces against the COVID pandemic: Isolation room for a Spanish school

Support for training for the Paralympics

Easter presents for the Münchner Tafel

New apartment for the "Blaues Haus"

New day clinic for children's oncology in Dakar

New climbing tower for toddlers

Privacy screen for conservatory

New patio furniture for the Zauberwald shelter

New garden furniture for the Erika Sixt kindergarten

Handicraft activities as a distraction from everyday hospital life

Warm meal for children 

Educational support for critically ill children

New rooms for counseling and pastoral care at Alder Hey Children's Hospital

Finanzielle Unterstützung für ein Waisenhaus

New playroom for Blaue Haus

Barrier-free access to the bathing lake

Integration center for disadvantaged children in the Ukraine

New equipment for integrative playground in Munich

Accommodation for families with children suffering from cancer

New playground for children in Bucharest

New climbing pyramid for an educational institution

New goals and table football for Zauberwald

New playroom for children's home

Equipment for the future bakery in a children's home

Integrative therapy measures for refugee children

Improved living conditions for families with children suffering from cancer

Modern equipment for hospital in Ukraine

New theater space for the Ciceron Secondary School

Help for children of an SOS Children's Village

Digital education for pupils in Vietnam

Notebooks for children in special education

New climbing tower for kindergarten

Learning cafe for children

Children's Urological Surgery Team Austria for Eritrea

Construction of a "family garden"

Roof garden for the Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre

Support for children who have suffered a stroke

New place of remembrance for children's hospice

Schoolhouse for Special Needs in Barbados

Construction of a learning center in Israel

New school equipment for Family House

Sulamot: Music for social change

Modern, inclusive school concept

New playground equipment for a kindergarten

Conversion of a primary school

Renovation work on the petting zoo at Irmengard Hof

Repairs and new purchases for inclusive day care centre in Rostock

New playground equipment for the Wartaweil inclusive school camp

Children’s home in Costa Rica

Renovation of a playground

Renovation and equipment for the playroom of a children's ward

New resuscitation trolleys for training

Fearless project for young girls

Establishment of a movement room for inclusive training

Renovation and furnishing of parents' rooms in the Ortenau Children's Hospital

Schoolhouse for Special Needs in Barbados

Equipping a group therapy room to promote inclusion

Expansion of the care center for Roma and Sinti children

New therapy bed for the AtemReich children's home

Supported communication for children

Purchase of a portable stair lift

Furnishing of a multifunctional room at the Kassel Hospital

Warming beds for children in the recovery room of a clinic

Train set for the children hospital in Schwabing

Equipping the maternity ward of the Malteser International Hospital Umuzike

The new performance space in the Alder Hey Children's Hospital

Establishment of a Stroke Center (CTB) at the Hauner Children's Clinic

New Movement hall for inclusive school

Education for refugee children

Renovation and equipment of a school

Construction of a children's care center

Education for slum children

Construction of a school in Mkenda

Individual bereavement counseling for children

Renovation of the orphanage

Construction of a kindergarten

A new garden for the Kochendörfer Mother-and-Child Home

Support for day care centre in Uganda

Redesign and renovation of a playground

New equipment for a special kindergarten and day nursery

Construction of the "Corner of Peace" St. Lucia

Construction of a relaxation room

Construction of a 'play-ship' for a day care center

New TV monitors for pediatric cardiology

Support for children from socially disadvantaged families in toy libraries

Child-friendly design for a children's hospital

New equipment for a nursery

Garden equipment suitable for the disabled for a curative day care centre

Renovation of the playground of the Pustelinchen day care centre in the social hotspot

Equipment of a therapy room

Construction of a barrier-free playground

New curling rink for an inclusive school camp

Construction of an outdoor lift

A soup kitchen for children

Instruments for an inclusive school camp in Wartaweil

Aid for disaster victims in Mexico

Aid for disaster victims

Renovation and furnishing of a living room

Giving voice to the speechless

New respirator for the mother-child clinic

New furniture for school center

New piano for the music school

Schools for syrian refugee children in Jordan

Pilgrimage to Rome for handicapped children

Donation of craft materials

Three mobile libraries

Musical instruments for the orphanage

New musical instruments

Music lesson for three classes

New playground equipment for the orphanage Antoniano

Renovation of the MOPT social children's day care center

Design of a group therapy room

Thorough renovation of the Baumgartsbrunn school

Construction of a wheelchair carousel

New play and climbing equipment

Renovation of a playground in the WIZO Comprehensive Day Care Center

Football teaches team spirit in Sao Paolo

Construction and furnishing of a shed for toys and equipment

Equipment of a refugee shelter

Support for a girls' school

Eliya Project: Support for a childcare centre

Supporting the 'AtemReich' children's home

Education and Activity Room at the SCMCI Surgical Department

New football field for the Michaelshof

Integration and Inclusion of Romani and Sinti children

Support for Bungamati Family House for Earthquake Orphans

Support Clean Winners

Hospice service "KiJu" in Ortenau

Medical care in Kenya

Maltese pilgrimage to Rome

Renovation of day-care center "Dinoko"

Construction of rooms for an inclusive reception establishment

New equipment for the Ronald McDonald house in Grosshadern

Renovation of the orphanage

Emergency Aid in Nepal

Balkan Aid for the recent flood victims

Support for a children's special education center

TV screens for the DHZ

Building accommodation for parents

Equipment for workshops of the German children's hospice association

Expansion of the primary school

Construction of a school in Ukunda

Equipment for children's center fairplay

Science room for girls' school

New school care center for Sinti and Roma children

Expansion of a preschool for children from broken families

Four new classrooms in the street children center

Improving the playground at Salbgerhaus

Renovation of Day Care Center Mahou

Renovation of Pavlion at Sophie Scholl School

Courtyard and garden redesign for the mother-child house

Renovation of a day-care center for disadvantaged children

Renovation of the outdoor play area for Talitha Kumi Kindergarten

Twin School Program

Support for the expansion of the WHIM Outreach Community Center

Equipment of a refugee shelter

A new playground for the Sterntaler Hof

Renovation of leisure facilities for an inclusive school camp

Extension of an institution for handicapped people

Renovation of the Foster Care Service Suite at the Kennedy Donovan Center

Construction of a recording studio and computer room in the Manna family center

Schulräume für die Kinderchirugie

Therapy center for children in Italy

Renovation of the children's home in the largest hospice center in South Africa

Medical equipment for the children's intensive care unit

New equipment for school children center

Extension, renovation and re-equipment of a special kindergarten

A school for a Slum in Dhaka

Integration and Inclusion of Romani and Sinti children

Educational sponsorships

Renovation of the gazebo for the Manna family center

Giving children a new home

Renovation of the nursery home RiseUp

Charity collection helps young People

Construction of a snoezelenroom at the center for babies at risk beit pa'amonim

Construction of a petting zoo for therapeutic measures

Emergency relief typhoon disaster Philippines

Renovation of a children's home as part of the flood emergency aid

BMW Mini for outpatient children's hospice

Refurbishment and new sunroofs for kindergarten

Construction of a learning garden for a family center

Two more classrooms for a primary school

Construction of a children's care center

New rooms for home schooling

Playground for Kindergarten HaMamzi

Renovation of a multifunctional playground and a house for children

New therapy rooms for a support center

New school furniture for a primary school

New laptops and installation of a wireless computer system for Hashmonaim School

Extension and renovation of a kindergarten

Montessori Kindergarten

Construction of a preschool kindergarten

Children's Home of the Ursulinen Sisters

Renovation and equipment of four children day-care centers

Emergency food for East Africa

Sleeping bags for earthquake victims in Turkey

Support of students in the earthquake zone

Reconstruction of the school "La Garenne"

Restoration and assessement for a children's playground Ha Notrim in Israel

Donation for a charity for children with cancer