Renovation of leisure facilities for an inclusive school camp

The school country home Wartaweil in Bavaria was the first completely barrier-free school camp in Germany.

"The Wartaweil House continues to be a showcase project. The special equipment with care baths and - beds, a barrier-free entrance to the lake and a large park with many leisure possibilities make the Camp Wartaweil a unique place for active inclusion", said Alexander Sixt, board member of the Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation, at the inauguration of the school country home.

A 2.7 hectare site with an extensive park offers special attractions such as a wheelchair swing or the barrier-free nature experience park, where the children can enjoy nature with all senses on a barefoot path or in the herb garden. All guests have free access to swimming or boating via the barrier-free footbridge by Lake Ammersee.


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CITY Wartaweil


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