New Movement hall for inclusive school

Children are different, have different needs, talents and also weaknesses. It is particularly important to promote and support them individually. The Sophie Scholl School in Bad Nauheim does just that. The elementary school was founded around ten years ago on the private initiative of a few parents. In the meantime, around 110 mainstream children learn here together with 25 disabled children from the 1st to the 4th grade. Tolerance instead of exclusion and appreciation instead of discrimination are emphasized and lived.

However, not only reading, writing and arithmetic are on the curriculum for the young pupils, but also movement is of enormous importance. The school has had its own exercise program developed for the new exercise hall, which is specially tailored to the needs of the different children.... Back in 2015, the Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation provided financial support to the inclusion school for the renovation of a pavilion. That's why it was even nicer to help again a few years later.

Thanks to the Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation, it was possible to create the new movement hall, which meets the special requirements of an inclusive school and also creates movement opportunities for children with impairments. The concept offers, for example, the possibility of integrating wheelchairs and other aids, so that all children can participate in the exercise program and inclusion can be lived holistically.


Logo Education
COUNTRY Deutschland
CITY Bad Nauheim


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