Supporting the 'AtemReich' children's home

In the 'AtemReich' children's home, children who have to be respirated due to their illness or disability are cared for and supported in a family-like form of living. The focus is on the individual care of the children by the team in the 'AtemReich' children's home and by the Children's Hospital of Third Order. The children are cared for in three groups. With the support of the Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation, the premises of the Wiesengrün Group was renovated. In addition, four mobile inhalers and two child seats for excursions into nature, a new nursing bed and a PC were purchased to enable the children to stay in contact with their parents, who often live far away. Furthermore, a piano for the music-therapeutic treatment of the children was purchased.


Logo Health
COUNTRY Deutschland
CITY München
PERIOD 2015-2016


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