New Snoezelen rooms for Ukrainian children in Poland

As part of the celebrations for the 20th anniversary of SIXT Poland, donations were collected to finance snozel rooms in the pediatric oncology clinics of the Bydgoszcz and Poznan clinics for Ukrainian children. They are traumatized due to their cancer, but also PTSD syndromes, stress, as well as cultural and linguistic differences. Snoezel rooms are used by children to reduce stress, relax and deal with trauma. This type of therapy supports natural development, strengthens self-esteem and increases communication skills. The Snoezel rooms also benefit Polish children suffering from cancer.

SIXT and its partners financed the construction and furnishing of the rooms. The local foundation “Na Ratunek Dzieciom z Chorobą Nowotworową” (Foundation for the Rescue of Children with Cancer) provides certified psychologists and psychotherapists. The Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation also supported this project by financing the equipment of one of the sensory rooms.


Logo Emergency Aid
CITY Posen
FINANCED BY SIXT Franchisee Poland | Eurorent Sp. z.o.o.


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