Help for victims of the flood disaster

The devastating flood in mid-July this year hit numerous private households as well as facilities such as hospitals, schools and children day-care centers. The Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation DRYING LITTLE TEARS wanted to provide help immediately and we are grateful to everyone who responded to our appeal for donations and thus supported us. It was important to us to help the children among the victims of the flood.

The contact to the parents' initiative “Kinderkurse Swisttal e.V.” was established shortly after the flood disaster and the Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation DRYING LITTLE TEARS was able to provide support quickly and efficiantly. The facility's classrooms were completely destroyed by the flood. Extensive renovation work is necessary to restore the premises. In addition, the entire furnishing of the rooms was damaged and could no longer be used.

Within a short period of time, containers were made available for the 65 children. The Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation DRYING LITTLE TEARS financed the interior furnishings of the rooms with children's chairs, benches and tables as well as children's beds and small children's play kitchens with the donated money.

As soon as the renovation work on the parent initiative building has been completed, the new furniture and toys can be moved. All children and carers are happy that it was possible to resume regular operations so quickly and that a bit of normalcy could return to the lives of all those affected.


Logo Emergency Aid
COUNTRY Deutschland
CITY Swisttal


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