Twin School Program

After a short pilot phase in 2014, the successful Bridging the Gap art program started to promote cultural understanding and exchange between Jewish and Arab schoolchildren. The program took place at the Jewish Adam School and the Arab School Ein Rafa.

Despite politically difficult phases, it quickly became apparent that togetherness can grow, that bonds can develop, maybe even friendships can flourish. Not only students were included in the program, but also teachers and parents. A total of 108 Jewish and Arab pupils took part in the school curriculum that was jointly drawn up for each school.

Art created a bridge that overcame political difficulties. Everyone was motivated, looked for an exchange and was very interested in understanding one another. Together they visited museums, participated in workshops and the children learned to express themselves through art. At a big closing ceremony, everyone involved was very interested in a continuation. The Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation DRYING LITTLE TEARS is very pleased to have helped initiate the Bridging the Gap art program with its donation.


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