Safe house for refugee children in Bamenda

The anglophone crisis in Cameroon between the English and French speakers affects nearly 2.2 million people. This resulted in an estimated 574,000 internally displaced people, most of whom have fled to Bamenda. Since the school system is one of the main triggers of the crisis, it is also considered one of the primary targets of attacks. As a result, many educational institutions are closed or overcrowded (especially in urban areas), so in this region alone 700,000 school children are directly affected by school closures, violence or flight.

Malteser International and Caritas Bamenda have been providing support in the region for a long time and are offering protection and alternative education to the children affected by the crisis in the Big Mankoon Cathedral, which is, however, reaching the limits of its capacity.​

The Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation has subsidized the construction of a new child protection center on the church grounds. The Safe House is a safe place for children affected by conflict, where they can receive psychological care and catch up on their schooling. In the long term, this will enable 500 children a year to receive an education as well as a safe place.


Logo Emergency Aid
CITY Bamenda


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