New place of remembrance for children's hospice

Remembrance in peace. The Northern Ireland Children's Hospice provides specialist care for children with life-threatening and life-impairing conditions. Every year, around 230 children and over 70 surviving families are cared for here. The "Quiet Garden" has been an important part of "Horizon House" for the last 17 years. Surviving siblings, parents and friends use it to commemorate the deceased child.

The Sixt franchisee from Northern Ireland, David McCulla, wanted to revive the aging garden and launched a fundraising initiative to raise money for the rebuilding and renewal of the garden. In order for the project to be implemented, the Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation "Tränchen Trocken" took over the outstanding amount.

For a special insight into the project please watch this video.


Logo Health
COUNTRY Nordirland
CITY Belfast


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