A new garden for the Kochendörfer Mother-and-Child Home

The Kochendörfer Mother-and-Child Home gives children, adolescents, and adults not only a safe temporary home, but also a place where they can develop. Their interactions here are characterized by emotional warmth, positive appreciation, transparency, and authenticity.

In order to help residents, feel comfortable in the future as well, the interiors have been redesigned according to the Reggio approach of “the environment as the third educator”. Facilities include a studio, a workshop, and a “Snoezelen room” with a soothing and stimulating atmosphere. Thanks to the generous support of the Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation, this concept could also be implemented in the facility’s garden, where various improvements to the terrain were necessary. A “Bobby Car Street” was also created for children to race along in their cars. The sandbox was relocated and enlarged to accommodate more children. The garden’s highlight is the new wooden play set which will allow the little ones to climb, slide, and play.


Logo Welfare
COUNTRY Deutschland
CITY Halfing


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