Garden equipment suitable for the disabled for a curative day care centre

The interdisciplinary team of school and curative education day centre in the private support centre in Neuherbergstraße works according to a holistic educational and therapeutic support concept. The aim of the joint work is to help the pupils to lead as self-determined a life as possible and to support them intensively and comprehensively according to their prerequisites. Among other things, Lebenshilfe München e.V. works on the development of social competence, communication, creativity and emotional stability. This also includes shared meals, games, handicrafts and painting. When the weather is nice, the garden offers plenty of space for these outdoor activities. The Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation supports this worthwhile concept with garden equipment suitable for the disabled in order to make better use of the space in the garden. 

In order to be able to provide the children with toys with which they can try out their skills, which stimulate their imagination and which are suitable for playing together with other children, the Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation also finances a stable and weatherproof playhouse for the garden. This will also meet the special requirements of the children, some of whom have severe disabilities.


Logo Welfare
COUNTRY Deutschland
CITY München


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