The success of any organisation largely depends on the efficiency and commitment of the management board. In addition to the founder and name giver Regine Sixt, who acts as Chief Executive, this also includes her sons Alexander and Konstantin Sixt.
With their many years of expertise, they give the Children's Aid Foundation additional drive. Dr. Julian Freiherr zu Putlitz guarantees the foundation’s perfect financial management. The management board guarantees that the funds raised will arrive safely on site and will be used exclusively for specific purposes, and that 100% of every donation will arrive at the projects and without any deductions. Dr. Andrew Mountstephens, a legal expert, ensures that the Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation acts in a legally impeccable manner.
Together, this committee ensures that the ambitious goals are consistently achieved.
Founder and Chief Executive
Management Board
Management Board
Management Board
Management Board
Our motto is our mission: To dry little tears with drive and transparency. We have already achieved a lot, with committed project partners, courageous supporters and many volunteers, especially from the globally operating SIXT family. So far, we have successfully completed over 400 projects in more than 65 countries. So it is only right that our initiative has also been the SIXT Group’s official CSR programme since 2011. Wherever we can do good, whether in orphanages, children's hospices, kindergartens, schools and children's hospitals: We know that we can make a difference there with your help. And the great thing about it: We find that when we take care of others our own lives gain a deeper meaning.
At the SIXT's Corporate Social Responsibility program, we demonstrate a sense of responsibility beyond company boundaries. On one hand, we want the Executive Board to promote the performance of our employees and give them the freedom to develop personally. On the other hand, we as a company - like our employees - want to show public responsibility for social issues. In addition to their daily work, SIXT also deliberately offers its employees space for commitment. If an employee has a vision that fits our mission statement and values, then we give them the freedom to make this vision a reality. This way we create a situation that offers advantages for everyone: The employees help shape SIXT and feel confirmed. At the same time, it strengthens the bond with the company - and helps children around the world who urgently need our help.
With the “Drying Little Tears” programme and with the voluntary help of our employees - which includes the “Drying Little Tears Day” activities initiated and managed by employees themselves - we have succeeded, over the years, in successfully implementing also initiatives of the Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation. As managing board members we seek to contribute with our energy and knowledge so that children can be helped successfully in the next 400 projects. The aim is for there soon to be an aid project in every SIXT country around the world.
As board members of the Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation, we seek to play an active role in contributing to ensuring success over the long-term. It is important not to focus solely on large scale initiatives, but also on a small scale to respond rapidly and help disadvantaged and severely sick children. We ensure that all aid arrives directly with the project managers and is there to help those they are protecting. Our experience helps us in this, as does our network around the globe, which has developed over the decades.
We shouldn’t just wish for a better world, it’s also important to build it
— Regine Sixt
The Advisory Council is available to provide both long-term strategic direction and valuable incentives and contacts which are necessary for the continued international growth of the Children's Aid Foundation. The first-class professional background of the Advisory Council enables the foundation to act in an absolutely competent and knowledgeable manner in all areas.
As the Advisory Council, we support the Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation, making every effort on behalf of the children in this world in need of help. We provide our help directly and at a very personal level in order to successfully kick-start projects.
— Prof. Dr. Marcus Englert
Prof. Dr. Marcus Englert is Chairman of the Advisory Board and Senior Partner at Texas Atlantic Capital, as well as Associate Partner at Altman Solon GmbH & Co. KG
The Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation is committed in its projects to alleviating emotional and physical hardship suffered by children around the world. As an advisory council member I am pleased to be able to contribute to improving the circumstances in which these children are living and in so doing to dry as many "little tears" as possible.
— Dr. Brigitte Mohn
Dr. Brigitte Mohn is member of the Advisory Coucil and a shareholder of the Bertelsmann Verwaltungsgesellschaft and a member of the Group supervisory board.
We are passionate in helping the Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation to campaign for the weak and overlooked in our world and to support them. In doing so, we take advantage of our global networks, because then our help makes a difference right where it's needed on the ground.
— Dr. Daniel Terberger
Dr. Daniel Terberger is member of the Advisory Coucil and CEO of Katag AG
As a doctor, I find myself repeatedly needing to summon up the courage to both provide medical support and to connect at a personal level with children who have been hurt, and to be an example of hope for them. Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation is a fine example of this worldwide.
— Prof. Dr. Peter Biberthaler
Prof. Dr. med. Peter Biberthaler is member of the Advisory Coucil and heads the Traumatology Department at the Rechts der Isar Hospital in Munich
The Honorary Committee of the Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation is comprised of companions and multipliers who, with the help of their network and initiative, support the diverse Children's Aid projects. The international, top-class board of trustees is committed to the interests of the Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation and the DRYING LITTLE TEARS worldwide.
An initiative of the Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation
Zugspitzstrasse 1
D-82049 Pullach
Tel +49 89 744 44 6144