Redesign of reading corners in Johanniter children's facilities

In 18 Johanniter children's facilities in Upper Bavaria and Berlin, the existing reading corners were redesigned and in some cases expanded. With new, colorful cushions and bookshelves, the reading corners became more child-friendly, and in some cases a new bookworm moved in. Reading time with the bookworms is an integral part of the children's facilities and serves to promote language skills, especially for disadvantaged children from socially disadvantaged families or children with a migrant background. SIXT employees actively designed and built some of the reading corners. 

Die Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe ist seit ihrer Gründung 1952 in den unterschiedlichsten sozialen und karitativen Bereichen aktiv, z.B. im Rettungs- und Sanitätsdienst, Katastrophenschutz, Betreuung und Pflege von älteren, kranken und geflüchteten Menschen, Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen, Hospizarbeit und anderen Hilfeleistungen. 


Logo Education
COUNTRY Deutschland
CITY Deutschlandweit


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