Learning cafe for children

On a few afternoons per week, children from Holzkirchen and the surrounding area have the opportunity to do their homework and catch up on school work in a protected room in the learning café. Volunteer tutors are at their side and help the children. In addition to around 50 children between the ages of 5 and 17, Ukrainian children are also supported in the learning café. Here they make friends, receive German lessons and can take part in workshops in the areas of art, culture and technology.

The learning café has a very big effect on the children. Due to the professionalism of the retired teachers and students who help the children, the effective German lessons and the support with the tasks in all subjects, some children were quickly integrated into a regular school. Our students come to us regularly and find loving support in the LernCafé. They come into contact with each other and help each other with great enthusiasm. In addition, playing and doing handicrafts together strengthens their social skills and promotes integration.

"The funding from the Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation gave our project great start-up help! Without them we would never have been able to help our children so directly and effectively. Thank you very much!” Ulrike Henking, project manager LernCafé


Logo Education
COUNTRY Deutschland
CITY Holzkirchen


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