Equipping child-friendly rooms in refugee accommodation

With the support of the Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation, rooms have been set up in two municipal refugee shelters in Munich specifically for the care of Ukrainian families. These rooms are used both for childcare and as places to play, do handicrafts and do homework.

The two rooms were renovated with great dedication and equipped with new furniture. Since October 2023, Ukrainian children aged 3-6 have been using the room daily for creative activities under the supervision and guidance of specialist and assistant staff. Schoolchildren can also do their homework there in the afternoons. Particular attention was paid to ensuring that the room is multifunctional in order to meet the different needs of the children.

The creation of these care spaces has significantly improved the quality of life of Ukrainian children and their families, providing a safe place to play, learn and develop.


Logo Emergency Aid
COUNTRY Deutschland
CITY Munich


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