Construction of a school in Ukunda

Education as an opportunity. Mekaela Ratinga Junior School is located near the city of Ukunda, a coastal town with a population of about 50,000. It was founded by a Kenyan and expanded with financial support from two German couples. In August 2014 the two couples transferred the school to Mekaela Academies, an umbrella organization of several private schools in Kenya.

Nach dem Ausbau kann die Ratinga-Schule bis zu 360 Kindern aufnehmen und zehn Lehrer sowie vier Hilfskräfte beschäftigen. Die Klassenstärke soll 40 Kinder nicht überschreiten. Um dies zu erreichen, werden acht zusätzliche Räume benötigt: Die Aufwendungen umfassen daher den Bau und die Ausstattung von fünf weiteren Klassenräumen, einem Lehrerzimmer, einem Toilettentrakt und einer Bibliothek.

After the expansion, the Ratinga school will be able to accommodate up to 360 children and employ ten teachers and four assistants. The class size should not exceed 40 children. To achieve this, eight additional rooms will be needed: The expenditure therefore includes the construction and equipment of five additional classrooms, a teachers' room, a toilet block and a library.


Logo Education
CITY Ukunda
PERIOD 2014-2015


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