Initiativen – Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung Hier finden Sie aktuelle Informationen zu Projekten der Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung TRÄNCHEN TROCKNEN Tue, 23 Apr 2024 12:25:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Initiativen – Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung 32 32 Support of the “Walk in My Shoes” campaign by SIXT USA Tue, 23 Apr 2024 12:25:05 +0000 Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung

Unterstützung der “Walk in My Shoes” Aktion durch SIXT USA

Wir freuen uns sehr berichten zu können, dass SIXT USA die wertvolle Aktion “Walk in my Shoes” zur Sensibilisierung und Aufklärung von Kindesmissbrauch tatkräftig unterstützt und als offizieller Partner der Aktion gilt.   Lauren Book, Senatorin von Florida und Gründerin der “Lauren’s Kids Foundation”, veranstaltete die Aktion “Walk in my Shoes” und setzt sich damit für […]

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Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung

Unterstützung der “Walk in My Shoes” Aktion durch SIXT USA

We are very pleased to report that SIXT USA actively supports the valuable “Walk in my Shoes” campaign to raise awareness and educate against child abuse and is considered an official partner of the campaign.  

Lauren Book, Senator from Florida and founder of the “Lauren’s Kids Foundation”, organized the “Walk in my Shoes” campaign and is committed to raising awareness of child abuse. She, her team and supporters walk 1,500 miles across Florida to raise awareness about child abuse. The trail started in Glades City and ended in Panama City on April 27, 2024. The nonprofit organization focuses on educating both children and adults about safety and abuse prevention. Senator Book is herself a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and is therefore actively campaigning. “One in three girls and one in five boys will be victims of child sexual abuse before their 18th birthday,” says Book. Through her campaign she wants to educate people about the issue, raise people's awareness and thus reduce the number of abuses.

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A day full of motorsport for children with disabilities in Monthléry Wed, 17 Apr 2024 08:24:09 +0000 Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung

Ein Tag voller Motorsport für Kinder mit Behinderung in Monthléry

SIXT Frankreich ist zum 4. Mal in Folge Partner des “Motorsport & Handicap” Tages in Esonne. An diesem Tag wurden Kinder mit Behinderungen in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Malteser Order eingeladen und erhielten die Möglichkeit, den Motorsport kennen zulernen. Hierfür standen prestigeträchtigen Autos auf der berühmten Rennstrecke Monthléry zum Mitfahren zur Verfügung! Ein Erlebnis voller Nervenkitzel. Das […]

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Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung

Ein Tag voller Motorsport für Kinder mit Behinderung in Monthléry

SIXT France is a partner of the “Motorsport & Handicap” day in Esonne for the 4th time in a row. On this day, in collaboration with the Order of Malta, children with disabilities were invited and given the opportunity to learn about motorsport. For this purpose, prestigious cars were available to drive on the famous Monthléry race track! An experience full of thrills. The DRYING LITTLE TEARS team from SIXT France actively supported this event and gave the participants an unforgettable day. 

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Easter surprises for thousands of children worldwide Thu, 28 Mar 2024 15:10:18 +0000 Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung

Osterüberraschungen für tausende Kinder weltweit

Die Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung setzt ihre langjährige Tradition fort und verbreitet auch dieses Jahr zu Ostern Freude bei tausenden Kindern, die in Krankenhäusern und sozialen Einrichtungen weltweit betreut werden und das Osterfest nicht bei ihren Familien verbringen können. Knapp 2.000 kleine Patienten wurden in Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Spanien, Italien und den Niederlanden […]

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Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung

Osterüberraschungen für tausende Kinder weltweit

The Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation is continuing its long-standing tradition of spreading joy at Easter to thousands of children who are being cared for in hospitals and social institutions around the world and are unable to spend Easter with their families. Almost 2,000 little patients were visited by SIXT employees in hospitals and care facilities in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Great Britain, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and the USA.

In Munich, SIXT employees handed out Easter surprises to the little ones in seven facilities and clinics. The children's clinic and children's polyclinic at the Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital, the Ronald McDonald House at the Heart Center, the German Heart Center Munich, the Großhadern Clinic, the Ronald McDonald House Großhadern, the Schwabing Children's Clinic and the Harlaching Children's Clinic were visited. The little children's eyes lit up when the "SIXT Easter Bunny" presented them with nests filled with sweet treats and cuddly toys.

The generous donation of 12,000 euros by the Simba Dickie Group played a special role in the realization of these visits in Munich, thanks to which a considerable part of the costs for the Easter visits in Germany could be covered. The Simba Dickie Group, like Sixt SE a family-owned company, is thus demonstrating its commitment to children and underlining the importance of initiatives such as the Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation DRYING LITTLE TEARS.

Gisela Sieber from the owner family of the Simba Dickie Group commented: "We firmly believe that it is of fundamental importance to help disadvantaged children in our society. The Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation initiative is a wonderful example of how we can work together to help improve the lives of these children. We are delighted to make a contribution and be part of this important mission."

We would like to thank the Simba Dickie Group and all other supporters who make it possible to bring a little joy to children in difficult life situations.

Oster Video Thumbnail

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First cooking evening in the Ronald McDonald House Lübeck Wed, 13 Mar 2024 10:18:58 +0000 Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung

Erster Kochabend im Ronald McDonald Haus Lübeck

Wir freuen uns, bekannt geben zu können, dass Kolleginnen aus dem SIXT Büro in Rostock den ersten Kochabend im Ronald McDonald Haus in Lübeck organisiert und durchgeführt haben.   Seit Jahren organisieren wir bereits Kochabende in den beiden Ronald McDonald Häusern in München und sind nun erfreut, diese Tradition erstmals auch in Lübeck fortzusetzen. Die Ronald […]

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Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung

Erster Kochabend im Ronald McDonald Haus Lübeck

We are pleased to announce that colleagues from the SIXT office in Rostock organized and held the first cooking evening at the Ronald McDonald House in Lübeck.  

We have been organizing cooking evenings in the two Ronald McDonald Houses in Munich for years and are now pleased to be continuing this tradition in Lübeck for the first time. The Ronald McDonald Houses provide families with shelter and support when their children need medical treatment and they want to be close by. Our cooking evenings are designed to offer these families a little relief and allow them to share moments of relaxation and joy. 

Our dedicated SIXT team from Rostock prepared a delicious 3-course menu to offer the families at the Ronald McDonald House Lübeck a welcome change. We look forward to further cooking evenings in northern Germany in order to make a positive contribution together.

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Work assignment at the children's home Wed, 14 Feb 2024 14:56:04 +0000 Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung

Arbeitseinsatz im Kinderhaus

Mit der Leidenschaft und Entschlossenheit, die unser Team auszeichnet, machte sich eine Gruppe von 22 SIXT-Kollegen auf eine inspirierende Reise zum Kinderhaus in Eching bei München – eine Einrichtung der Johanniter. Das Team nutzte seinen DRYING LITTLE TEARS Day, krempelte die Ärmel hoch, malte und verschönerte die Räumlichkeiten für die Kinder. Bei diesem sozialen Tag […]

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Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung

Arbeitseinsatz im Kinderhaus

With the passion and determination that characterizes our team, a group of 22 SIXT colleagues embarked on an inspiring journey to the children's home in Eching near Munich - a Johanniter facility. The team used their DRYING LITTLE TEARS Day to roll up their sleeves, paint and beautify the premises for the children. This social day was about more than just teamwork. It was an opportunity to make a tangible, positive impact on the community and provide the children with a new, beautiful environment to learn and grow.

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A foundation for the new climbing frame Wed, 14 Feb 2024 14:30:20 +0000 Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung

Ein Fundament für das neue Klettergerüst

Der Finanzvorstand der SIXT SE, Kai Andrejewski, und sein Team haben kürzlich ihren jährlichen DRYING LITTLE TEARS Day zur Unterstützung des Kindergartens „Feenland“ in Herrsching bei München genutzt. Bei dieser Aktion wurde mit einem Minibagger ein Fundament für ein neues Klettergerüst geschaffen, an dem bald 24 Kinder im Alter von neun Monaten bis drei Jahren […]

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Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung

Ein Fundament für das neue Klettergerüst

The CFO of SIXT SE, Kai Andrejewski, and his team recently used their annual DRYING LITTLE TEARS Day to support the "Feenland" kindergarten in Herrsching near Munich. During this campaign, a mini excavator was used to lay the foundations for a new climbing frame, which will soon be enjoyed by 24 children aged between nine months and three years. Many thanks to everyone for their help!

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Christmas DRYING LITTLE TEARS Days Wed, 14 Feb 2024 14:12:26 +0000 Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung

Weihnachtliche DRYING LITTLE TEARS Days

Das SIXT-Team „Talent Acquisition“ hatte einen fantastischen sozialen Tag im Inselhaus – einer Kinder- und Jugendhilfeeinrichtung in Wolfratshausen bei München. Gemeinsam bastelten sie nicht nur Kunst und Leckereien, sondern auch schöne Erinnerungen. Die handgefertigten Stücke wurden dann auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt des Kinderzentrums verkauft, wobei der Erlös der Einrichtung selbst zugute kam. Das „Talent Acquisition“ Team […]

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Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung

Weihnachtliche DRYING LITTLE TEARS Days

The SIXT Talent Acquisition team had a fantastic social day at Inselhaus - a children's and youth welfare centre in Wolfratshausen near Munich. Together, they not only made art and treats, but also beautiful memories. The handmade pieces were then sold at the children's centre's Christmas market, with the proceeds going to the facility itself.

The "Talent Acquisition" team from Berlin visited "Die Arche", which campaigns against child poverty in Germany. With free lunches, help at school and meaningful leisure activities. For every child! The SIXT team baked delicious biscuits together with the toddler group. They kneaded the dough together, cut out shapes and decorated them beautifully at the end. Julia was there and reports: "It was so nice to see the children's eyes light up as they kneaded the dough and proudly cut out the biscuits."

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SIXT gets to work and packs 250 book boxes Wed, 14 Feb 2024 13:49:09 +0000 Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung

SIXT packt an und packt 250 Bücher-Boxen

Ein Team von SIXT-Mitarbeitern half im Rahmen eines DRYING LITTLE TEARS Days dabei, Kisten mit neuen Büchern zu packen, um sie an Organisationen zu übergeben, die sich für benachteiligte Kinder einsetzen. Sie packten 250 Kisten mit 8.000 Büchern in weniger als 3 Stunden! Damit unterstützten sie das großartige Projekt Kinderzwerfboek (Children’s Stray Book) von Kinderhulp […]

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Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung

SIXT packt an und packt 250 Bücher-Boxen

A team of SIXT employees helped pack boxes of new books to give to organizations that help disadvantaged children as part of a DRYING LITTLE TEARS Day. They packed 250 boxes containing 8,000 books in less than 3 hours! In doing so, they supported the great Kinderzwerfboek (Children's Stray Book) project by Kinderhulp in the Netherlands.

This project enables all children to have the opportunity to read and immerse themselves in the wonderful world of stories at many locations throughout the country. Children's books with a sticker can be found everywhere, which the children can take home to read for free. Afterwards, they have to let the books wander again. Kinderzwerfboek wants as many books as possible to wander around. We think it's a great idea and are delighted that our TeamOrange is actively supporting this social project!

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Fröhliches Event bei „Kids in Distress“ Tue, 13 Feb 2024 15:47:11 +0000 Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung

Fröhliches Event bei „Kids in Distress“

Zu Beginn des Jahres 2024 hat SIXT USA das Jahr mit einer weiteren herzerwärmenden Kinderveranstaltung bei Kids In Distress begonnen! Kids In Distress Inc. (KID) ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die sich der Unterstützung von Kindern verschrieben hat, die Missbrauch und Vernachlässigung erfahren haben, sowie der Hilfe für bedürftige lokale Familien. Im Januar organisierte SIXT USA […]

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Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung

Fröhliches Event bei „Kids in Distress“

At the start of 2024, SIXT USA kicked off the year with another heartwarming kids event at Kids In Distress!

Kids In Distress Inc (KID) is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting children who have experienced abuse and neglect and helping local families in need. In January, SIXT USA partnered with KID to organize a special car event where the children had the opportunity to get up close and personal with their dream cars. The kids enjoyed sitting in the cars, honking their horns and imagining a trip to their dream destination - Disney World. We provided them with tasty snacks and held a raffle with some great gifts to be won. The success of the event was made possible by the active support of five employees from the US headquarters. Many thanks to them!

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Joint donation to Associação Acreditar Tue, 13 Feb 2024 15:23:58 +0000 Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung

Gemeinsame Spende an Associação Acreditar

Wir freuen uns, eine gemeinsame Spende an die Associação Acreditar bekannt zu geben. Die Hälfte der Spende wurde durch Kundenzufriedenheitsumfragen von SIXT-Kunden im Jahr 2023 gesammelt (0,50 € pro Umfrage). Der Spendenbetrag wurde von der Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung DRYING LITTLE TEARS verdoppelt. Die Associação Acreditar ist ein Zufluchtsort für Familien mit krebskranken Kindern und […]

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Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung

Gemeinsame Spende an Associação Acreditar

We are pleased to announce a joint donation to the Associação Acreditar. Half of the donation was collected through customer satisfaction surveys from SIXT customers in 2023 (€0.50 per survey). The donation amount was doubled by the Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation DRYING LITTLE TEARS.

The Associação Acreditar is a refuge for families with children suffering from cancer and offers them important support in difficult times. Acreditar offers a place that makes their journey easier. Our contribution supports the expansion of Casa Acreditar in Lisbon.

As part of this commitment, the employees of franchisee SIXT Portugal recently used a DRYING LITTLE TEARS Day to assemble furniture for the new Casa Acreditar and transform the house into a feel-good place.

A big "THANK YOU" to all the dedicated employees of SIXT Portugal who played an important role in the realization of this project!

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