


An exciting day at the wildlife park for children

SIXT employees organized an exciting day at the wildlife park for children from the Inselhaus children's home. The children between the ages of six and six were invited to a relaxed get-together with the local wildlife. All SIXT employees were well-prepared to introduce the animals. Afterwards, there was a quiz for all the children.

Der Tag bin mit einer Vorstellungsrunde, gefolgt von einem ausführlichen Spaziergang durch das weitläufige Gelände des Wildparks. Alle Kinder hatten die Möglichkeit den Tieren näher zu kommen und einige ließen sich sogar streicheln und füttern. Für einige Kinder war es eine ganz neue Erfahrung. Natürlich durfte auch ein kleines Picknick nicht fehlen, sowie kleine Geschenke.

The children's home is located near Eurasburg. Children and young people between the ages of six and 18 live there with their caregivers in groups in a family-friendly atmosphere. The Inselhaus children's home also has a care placement, which is kept free for children and young people in acute emergency situations.




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