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New garden and relaxation area at the Tal Chajim school

Urbanization and fewer open spaces have resulted in fewer points of reference to nature for the children in the socio-economically weak Jerusalem district of Kiryat Menachem. The Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation DRYING LITTLE TEARS made it possible for me to set up a new open space with a garden area and relaxation area at the Tal Chajim primary school.

Schoolchildren can now study in the newly established open space and let off steam after class with a focus on environmental education. The children have a strong connection to the area, as they were included in the planning from the very beginning. Basic ideas were created together with a design team and the children accompanied the creation process on a daily basis. The opening was celebrated accordingly and the neighborhood also benefits from the new access to nature.


Logo Education
CITY Jerusalem


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